News Archive

Checklist for environmental assessment in Swedish law


A brief checklist for fulfilment of Swedish environmental legislation, chapter 6 is now added in routine 23 as complementary information on this subject. Note, only in Swedish.

Source: Conlogic

Consequences of the chapter 6 update in Swedish environmental legislation


Only relevant in Swedish. See analysis in the Swedish news.

Source: Conlogic

Renewable energy directive development impacts on biofuels


Within the EU there is a common view that biofuels based on crops may lead to a competing situation where food production will drive a higher feedstock price i.e. increasing food prices. As a consequence this may also lead to an increasing number of oil palm tree plantations and related deforestation in these regions. In […]

Source: Conlogic

Monitoring requirement on truck´s fuel consumption and CO2 emissions


The envirionmental committee of the European Parliament approves a draft legislation on monitoring and reporting rules for fuel consumption and CO2 emissions from trucks and buses. The aim is to make these data from more available based on the Vecto model. Read more. The Commission is expected to present draft legislation setting CO2 emission standards for […]

Source: Conlogic

One out of ten ships don´t comply with the Sulphur emission directive


Results from distant optical measurements carried out by Chalmers on ships in Swedish and Danish waters some 90% of all ships fulfill the more stringent Sulphur directive from 2015. The directive means that the Sulphur content in fuels must not exceed 0.1 weight percentage or Sulphur oxide emissions to corresponding level through after treatment of Sulphur […]

Source: Chalmers

Report summary – Biofuels impact on food supply


The Biofuel Directive, launched in 2003 by the EU enables production of ethanol through fermentation of grains and sugars, and biodiesel through transesterification of vegetable oils. Biofuels is an important part of the EU aim of de-carbonizing transport. Concerns has however been raised that usage of food commodities for energy could increase food prices and […]

Source: Transport & Environment

Legal requirements update


Swedish legal requirement and routines has been updated. Updates is shown in the change log.


CO2-emissions reduction scheme for EU shipping is launched


The European Maritime Safety Agency announced the launch of the monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) system that aims to support CO2 reduction within EU shipping operation. THETIS-MRV goes live on August 7 and is the first of several steps to reduce greenhouse gases from the maritime sector. The system enables operators calling EU ports to […]

Source: EMSA

Fossil free transport through electrification and renewable fuels


Electrified transport with complementary use of renewable fuels where electrification is impossible was previously considered unrealistic. Such a 100 percent renewable transport scenario is however appearing as increasingly realistic. A substantial electrification and use of biofuels for remaining transport in clean combustion engines with no air pollutants will in addition shift the environmental and climate […]

Source: Conlogic

Trend outlook – Electric driven heavy duty trucks


The electrification of cars is seen by many as a large and important part of the solution to make the transport system more sustainable from a climate impact perspective. The most commonly expected solution is electric cars with batteries charged at specific charging stations. Since the driving distance of cars in general is short and […]

Source: Conlogic

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