News Archive

Europeans exposed to harmful air pollution


Air pollution shortens people’s lifespan and contributes to serious illnesses such as heart disease, respiratory problems and cancer. It is the single largest environmental health risk in Europe. The European Environment Agency (EEA) estimates that air pollution continues to be responsible for more than 430 000 premature deaths in Europe. Read more

Source: EEA November 30

Analyze national transport performance within the EU


EU publishes a transport scorecard regarding different countries transport performance on various topics. The share of renewable fuels is one. Read more

Source: EU Nov 2015

Electrified roads can save energy


Vehicles on electrified roads use 35% less energy than a truck with conventional propulsion. This was the result in a simulation test, involving 25 truck drivers testing a hybrid driven truck (electric and combustion) and an internal combustion engine driven truck. In the test comprising the same road stretch some 35% less energy was used […]

Source: Miljöpporten October 6

Sea containers by air


Boeing has published a patent for a new generation of cargo aircraft The plane can carry a line of shipping containers in its bottomless belly. Read more

Source: Daily mail September 28 2015

Funding agreed for Global Maritime Energy Efficiency


IMO, the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) have signed an agreement to allocate US$2.0 million to a two-year global maritime energy efficiency partnership project, which aims to support increased uptake and implementation of energy-efficiency measures for shipping.   The focus is to implement technical and operational measures in developing […]

Source: IMO

US EPA moves towards regulation of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Aircrafts


The EPA proposed that greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from certain classes of engines used in aircraft contributes to the air pollution and causes climate change according to section 231(a) of the Clean Air Act. At the same time, EPA issued an Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on the process for setting international CO2 emissions standards […]

Source: US EPA: EPA Takes First Steps to Address Greenhouse Gases from Aircraft Engines (PDF) (4 pp, 167K, EPA- 420-F-15-023, June 2015)

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